
The Solo Travel That Almost Didn't Push Through

by - March 09, 2017

The Solo Travel That Almost Didn't Push Through

Me: Malayo ba dito yung Sta. Monica church? Yung may malaking bell? (Is Sta. Monica church far from here? The one with the big bell?)

Tricycle driver: Malayo din ma'am, sa Panay na po yun. (It's far, it's already in Panay.)

There I was, riding a tricycle going to the public market in Roxas to find some delicacies that I can eat for breakfast. I found in some blogs that I should try baye-baye when I'm in Roxas. It's like a pinipinig delicacy. You see, this trip is all sorts of excitement and being scared. Scared of what lies ahead and scared of not knowing anyone along the way. But that's the very core and very reason why we travel alone at least once. To see how far can we make it, and have all sorts of misadventures that's one for the books.

I booked this flight last April 2016. ~*Piso Fair!*~ Actually, I didn't know where to go back then. It just sounds like Iloilo is a good place for solo travellers, and for first time solo travellers. So I booked it.. roughly P650 roundtrip (around $13). I was ecstatic that time because finally I can try solo travelling! Yay! But turns out this trip almost didn't push through because of some external forces we can't really control. But in the end, all's well that ends well. Let me share with you why..

The Solo Travel That Almost Didn't Push Through

The Solo Travel That Almost Didn't Push Through

Searching in the internet, I found that Isla de Gigantes is accessible via Iloilo and Roxas City. I decided right then and there that that's the place I want to visit! But months before, I found out it's not possible because my flight to Iloilo is around 1PM and the boat that leaves in the port for Isla de Gigantes is at 2PM. Schedule can't really permit it. I can still continue to explore Iloilo city but we just went there last January (just in time for Dinagyang). And 3 days in Iloilo alone? I don't think it's a good idea. So instead of thinking of other stuff to do, I decided that I'll just miss my flight because first, it only costs P650 - no harm in missing it. Second, I'll just use my vacation leave credits for much anticipated vacations and travels. 

But while I was on the edge of giving up, Cebu Pacific miraculously sent a schedule change email which entitles me to rebook my flight on my preferred date, and on nearby ariports for free! Like spell lucky!!! The stars aligned and just like that, I was able to rebook my flight on my most convenient time. I decided that I'll rebook my Iloilo flight to Roxas City because I read that Roxas city is nearer in Bancal port in Carles Iloilo instead of the Iloilo proper. Going back to Manila, I still took the Iloilo airport. From there, I can explore both cities and Isla de Gigantes.

The Solo Travel That Almost Didn't Push Through

March just got busy because I was also trying to draft an itinerary for some upcoming travels. I already got a tour package on my Isla de Gigantes tour. Everything was all set! Got my swimsuit ready. The only thing missing is a tripod because I am travelling solo and therefore, it's a hassle to always ask people to take my pictures. (LOL! blogger probs)

As I was about to buy some stuff for the upcoming and most awaited first solo travel ever, I woke up on a Sunday and found out that I have mumps!! Like where the hell did I get it? I know that I have the strongest immune system so I was really shocked and kept praying that it will not last long enough to overlap with my travel. 

The Solo Travel That Almost Didn't Push Through
Unlimited scallops anyone? :P~

My face got bigger and bigger almost everyday. I am already losing hope. I'm pretty much sure that even if I decided to go, the cabin crews might not let me go inside the aircraft because mumps is highly contagious. But me being persistent, I still packed my stuff and got ready for the flight. Like nothing's ever gonna stop me from this travel. Packed my meds, all the beach essentials, and on the day of my flight.. surprisingly, my face started to go back to normal! Though it's still swelling, at least it wasn't that scary big. I read that the first 5 days of swelling is the most contagious stage.. but I was on my 7th day and the swelling's starting to tone down. 

The Solo Travel That Almost Didn't Push Through

The Solo Travel That Almost Didn't Push Through

And there I was.. walking in the airport hallway like nothing is bothering me. Successfully went inside the aircraft. the plane is half full.. and this is my first time to fly with the plane not full. And from there, I started to feel all sorts of feelings again. I know deep within myself that travelling is one thing I will never get tired doing. Whether solo or with other people. I decided that I'll travel long term at least once in my life. Not now, of course. But probably on my late twenties. 

The Solo Travel That Almost Didn't Push Through

So what I can say? I successfullly landed at Roxas Airport. It was still early in the morning and the clouds are quite dark. Thankfully, it didn't rain during my stay there. IF you will ask me, this solo travel is an eye opener. I've experienced a lot. Sleeping with the locals, touring solo, and I've even had the longest scariest night of my life. I would probably draft another blog post for all the things I learned. will I travel solo again? Definitely!~

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  1. Whoa! That's one heck of an adventure. Booking ticket, having a divine intervention to reschedule it, your mumps getting better, all in your first ever solo trip! That's total craziness! Glad you made it!!!

  2. Wow! I have never tried solo traveling. In fact, we don't travel too often. It looks like you did enjoy it! I wish I was able to try that before. I don't think that's possible now that I'm married. And if it is, I would just be sad that I'm not with my loved ones, I guess, lol.

  3. I'm from Iloilo City but I haven't been to Roxas. LOL. So glad your trip pushed through. Thanks for that email. :)


  4. Travelling solo can be both fun and sad. Sad that you have no one but yourself to share the present happiness or loneliness you're feeling. But it definitely teaches you to be firm and independent. I made a lot of solo trips back then and is still looking forward to more.

  5. It's amazing that so many things went wrong and so many things went right! Boo that your scheduling didn't work. But then yay that you were able to rebook. Boo that you got the mumps, but yay that they cleared up in time. Congrats on your first solo trip! I think solo travel is absolutely the best.

  6. That's not very bad for your solo travel! I actually envy you because you did it. I haven't been able to really travel alone ever. It's in the bucket list and hopefully I could accomplish it before I get married? HAHAHA!! Anyway, I haven't had mumps yet so I hope won't ever get especially if I'm on my journey somewhere too.

  7. You are undeniably brave to go on a solo travel like you did. You are absolutely lucky also to score a change of flight and so you can got to choose a different travel date. That only means that the world conspired to give you what you wanted and it's all up to you to make it happen. I've read that's the law of attraction and I always try to practice that in my life and I've succeeded more than I failed. Try it again next time. :-)

  8. Wow good you made the solo trip. This would definitely give courage to do mre.
    I am surprised about mumps though... isn't there vaccination for this right at childhood? I am glad you get better. :)

  9. Traveling solo is and always will be my choice of travel, not that I do not like to be with people or that I am introvert (which I am not). It is just that there is a certain power to do the things you want to do and to solve whatever unexpected situation may happen. Your experience is different with all the things that had happened prior to your trip, good to hear that your mumps slowly went off on the day you flown to Roxas. I did a long term solo travel and I am also going to do it again! Cheers to Solo Travelers like us!

  10. What a story! I would have packed my bags with the mumps too, I mean after all that stuff that happened with the tickets! You got some great shots with that selfie stick too, jejeje.

  11. That's the beauty of going solo, you've got to discover more of the places around. I hope one day I would find the time to travel alone...

  12. While it sounds cool to travel solo, I don't think I can ever give permission for my daughter to do that in the future. I admire your determination though, despite the obstacles to your plan, you pursued, thus, everything went well.


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