
Northern Mindanao: Camiguin White Island

by - March 28, 2016

Camiguin white island

I realized that being a Filipino, I am so blessed to be able to live in a country where beaches are a common sight. Not that I get to see it everyday but an hour or 2 can already get you to an amazing beach get away. During our trip to Camiguin, I was lucky enough to witness another amazing creation. This isn't your typical beach or commercialized tourist spot. I am proud to say that even though this is a must see destination in Camiguin, it has preserved its beauty without being contaminated by vendors/businessmen. 

Camiguin white island

After we had our breakfast at the guesthouse, we went straight to this gem. It was already part of our tour package so I apologize if I don't know how to get here by commuting. Everything was already planned and took care for us. Thanks to the travel agency that helped us! :)

At first glance, you won't see anything special. Just your typical beach on a rural area. No fine white sand. we rode a boat going to the white beach and at first I was confused on where are we really going. Our tour package comes with a snorkeling activity so I thought we're just going to the middle of the sea to see the fishes. But I was wrong. What I saw was a stunning beauty that I couldn't believe such beach exists in Camiguin. Being a Pinoy, we're so fond of Boracay and Palawan. We already set the standard that beaches should be called beautiful if it surpass or at least at par with Boracay and Palawan. So I am not kidding when I say this beach is beautiful. And most certainly at par with Boracay. Without the commercialized resturants, hotels, and everything.

Camiguin white island

Camiguin white island

Since there are no stalls selling food, if you plan to stay the whole day, you must bring your packed lunch and water for hydration. You must also be prepared for the heat as there are no cottages but there are umbrellas for rent. The wind is also cooperating so it's totally a siesta feeling over here. Snorkeling here is also a must. You can hire a guide but you can also do snorkeling on your own. The difference is the guide already knows which part has lots of fishes. Be reminded also that if you want to do snorkeling here, you have to rent the needed equipment on the jump off because there are no more stalls offering for rent snorkeling equipment here. 

Camiguin white island

Camiguin white island

This is my first time to try eating a sea urchin. Not the whole sea urchin of course. I can't explain how it tastes like but its texture is jelly like. 

Camiguin white island

Pristine blue water and white sand.

Camiguin white island

Another activity you can try here is having a henna tattoo. Minimum fee is P50 depending on its size and complexity of design. As for us, we somehow regretted getting one because it felt like we were ripped off. This design alone costs 100 pesos but even though it didn't get wet for a couple of hours, the ink washed off as soon as it gets in contact with water. It should last for 2 weeks but in our case, 3 days. The design is awesome though. I searched for it in Pinterest. :)

Camiguin white island

Before you go here, we have to do an expectation setting. This isn't your commercialized beach. This is an islet that gets submerged in water during high tide. So the best time to go here is during low tide. There are no food stalls. Not cottages. Plain beauty of the beach and sunrise during morning. Bring food and ice cold water.

Camiguin white island

This is another reason why you should visit the Camiguin Island. It's really great to see new places you ever knew existed. 

Camiguin white island

And of course, everything gets better when you have the best company with you. :)

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  1. I am thinking, the locals should establish buoys, so that they could bring people during high tide when water is clearer and there would be more marine life. As an option that is. They do not have to drop anchor but instead put a rope around the buoy so there would be no damage to the corals under the sea.


    1. Good suggestion Robert! However as a tourist, it is better to come on low tide because the islet gets submerged in water during high tide. It's an amazing place, you have to see it. :)

  2. Oh no!!!! Camiguin is one of the places I wanted to visit. Reading this post is a sign maybe? The waters are teasing me!!! Vitamin sea please!!! :)

    1. Hi Arrianne! Yes, you have to visit Camiguin! It's so beautiful. This is the sign, book that plane ticket! Hehe! :)

  3. OMG!! Camiguin Island was amazing! All your photos are beautiful that makes me missed going to beaches!!

    1. It's summer! you have every right and excuse to go to the beach! :D

  4. Hi! Being said that it is not commercialized, are there enough rooms (if there are places to stay) during summer? yay. want to visit!


    1. Hello. There are no rooms in the islet but there are accommodation all throughout Camiguin. :)

    2. How far are the rooms from the islet/beach? And how much? -Sonnie

    3. Hi Sonnie, 30 minutes travel time, 1 boat and 5 minutes drive away. :) I don't how much the other cottages charge but the one we stayed at starts their rate at 850 per night. Our accommodation was already included in our travel package so I don't really know the exact amount. :)

  5. How much did it cost you per person? I'm interested since my family and I are looking for a summer getaway. Thanks for sharing this! :D - Jen Villarosa

    1. Hello. More or less it cost us around 5600+. Inclusions are accommodation, tours, entrance, and airport transfers. :)

  6. Given that the islet gets submerged during high tide, I guess you can't set camp as well? Hoping too that they can preserve the place. :)

    1. Yes, you cannot. But it's not a problem I guess? There are daily boat transfers so you don't really need to pitch a tent when you want to go to the islet. :)

  7. It definitely is one of the few things that makes us grateful to be living in the Philippines. The beach, the weather, and the many places to go to.

    1. And we should definitely visit each one of them! hehe

  8. Anonymous4/07/2016

    We always order uni sashimi in restos, but I didn't know that it looked like that. The beach looks nice. I love the fact that it's not overcrowded nor commercialized.

    1. Yes. And I hope they retain it that way. :)

  9. Beautiful captured photos! I envy persons who are on vacation now and I am stuck here at the office hehehe

    1. Thank you! It's time to book your vacation! :)

  10. Gaaaaad Maaya! I swore to myself that this year will be pure exploration of our dear motherland - and definitely Camiguin will be included in my line up - that henna tats, I want something like that now... hayyyyyys. Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip -

    1. You should definitely visit Camiguin! And all the other provinces in the Philippines. Bring out that wanderlust in you. hehehe.

  11. Oh my gosh. My inner wanderlust is crying! I really really have to go to Camiguin Island soon. Thank you for this post and wonderfully-taken photos :)

  12. It is always my dream to go to Camiguin. Hay I envy you, ang ganda!!! i hope I could bring my family there this year.

  13. I have been to Camiguin years ago and I wasnt impressed. That was what i thought. Time passed by and soon I began to notice the fine sand, the view and the calm water. Such a peaceful place. We almost had the beach all by ourselves. I just didnt enjoy the ferry ride going to Camiguin.

  14. I really want to go to that island! Camiguin is actually one of the places that I want to visit in my bucket list. Thank you for sharing this! Seeing your post and the amazing pictures makes me wanna go there now!

  15. www.pabualancottages-camiguin.blogspot.com


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