Hello there new blog!
As the new year unfold, I also made a new blog for a fresh start of blogging more. And when I say more, it is MORE. I have made a lot of blogs which some are just for reblogging (my tumblr days), some are for day to day rants, some are just.. well.. I don't know. Of all these blogs, there's only one blog that's been like a real and fully functional blog to me but unfortunately, I've been a sore blogger and didn't update it often in the past days. So as part of my new year's resolution.. I will try to blog again. This time more serious, and more often. But the subject remains the same and the purpose is still the same. To write my experiences for the purpose of documenting it.
I'll make it a habit to blog 1 post per week or if time permits, maybe 2 or 3 per week. I must admit it's not an easy challenge especially when the new year rolls on full swing. All these picture editing, writing, and re-reading is time consuming but where else can I go on my free time? Writing has been a part of myself already. (Not in an "author" way.. maybe like the ranting and documenting way?)
But whatever it is, I am so back into blogging. Yayyy! My old blog won't be published anymore. So here's to a new blank space for my 2016 and onward blog post. :D

Thank you for visiting my blog! Comments are very much appreciated. :)